06 Feb, 2025

What in the World Happened to the Supreme Court? — A Commentary by Linda Greenhouse ’78 MSL

University of Wisconsin Law School Law In Action

A similar tendency to seek definitions which are distinct from those used in other areas of social policy can be found in anti-discrimination law. As a law student, you will be expected to read many articles, journals, magazines, or textbooks. Britannica is the ultimate student resource for key school subjects like history, government, literature, and more. Although many scholars argue that “the boundaries between public and private law are becoming blurred”, and that this distinction has become mere “folklore” (Bergkamp, Liability and Environment, 1–2). Environmental law is increasingly important, especially in light of the Kyoto Protocol and the potential danger of climate change.

In medieval England, the Norman conquest the law varied shire-to-shire, based on disparate tribal customs. The concept of a “common law” developed during the reign of Henry II during the late 12th century, when Henry appointed judges that had …

1 min read